Thursday, March 17, 2011

The world in one click!

The world is in our fingertips and closer than ever. And it really does not take much: internet, a camera and lots of ideas. Through Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Blogs, YouTube and many more ways you can reach the world and a large audience in a few seconds.
The use os a Flip Camera (USD 150) its very recommendable not only because its very versatile but becasue allows to upload videos to the internet in few minutes for the usb built in.
Changes are big in the social role of technology. The protagonism of facebook and twitter in the recent Egyptian revolution was inspirational and are a positive signal of change and new transmission of political ideas and social evolution.
Who leaded this revolt from their computers were not politics or influencing leaders, they are ordinary citizens with an ideal and a vision. That vision is one that can move the world and create change.
The advantage is that today convey ideas and generate adherents to a cause is easier with technology and is one of the most real democratic exercises that exists.


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